Line | |
1 | function flag=ismumps()
2 | %ISMUMPS - figure out if MUMPS package was compiled with ISSM
3 | %
4 | % Usage:
5 | % flag=ismumps();
6 |
7 |
8 | configfile=[issmdir() '/config.h'];
9 | if ~exist(configfile,'file'),
10 | error(['File ' configfile ' not found. ISSM has not been configured yet!']);
11 | end
12 |
13 | %go through the file, and recover the line we want
14 | flag=2;
15 | fid=fopen(configfile,'r');
16 | if(fid==-1), error(['could not open file: ' configfile]); end
17 |
18 | while(true),
19 | tline=fgets(fid);
20 | if ~ischar(tline), break, end
21 | if strncmp(tline,'/* #undef _HAVE_MUMPS_ */',25),
22 | flag=0;
23 | break;
24 | end
25 | if strncmp(tline,'#define _HAVE_MUMPS_',20),
26 | flag=1;
27 | break;
28 | end
29 | end
30 | fclose(fid);
31 | if flag==2,
32 | error('could not determine whether MUMPS was or was not compiled');
33 | end
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