1 | function Struct=expread(filename);
2 | %EXPREAD - read a file exp and build a Structure
3 | %
4 | % This routine reads a file .exp and build a Structure containing the
5 | % fields x and y corresponding to the coordinates, one for the filename of
6 | % the exp file, for the density, for the nodes, and a field closed to
7 | % indicate if the domain is closed.
8 | % The first argument is the .exp file to be read and the second one (optional)
9 | % indicate if the last point shall be read (1 to read it, 0 not to).
10 | %
11 | % Usage:
12 | % Struct=expread(filename)
13 | %
14 | % Example:
15 | % Struct=expread('domainoutline.exp')
16 | % Struct=expread('domainoutline.exp')
17 | %
19 |
20 | %some checks
21 | if ~exist(filename),
22 | error(['expread error message: file ' filename ' not found!']);
23 | end
24 |
25 | %initialize number of profile
26 | count=0;
27 |
28 | %open file
29 | fid=fopen(filename,'r');
30 |
31 | %loop over the number of profiles
32 | while (~feof(fid)),
33 |
34 | %update number of profiles
35 | count=count+1;
36 |
37 | %Get file name
38 | A=fscanf(fid,'%s %s',2);
39 | if ~strncmp(A,'##Name:',7), break; end
40 | if length(A)>7,
41 | Struct(count).name=A(8:end);
42 | else
43 | Struct(count).name='';
44 | end
45 |
46 | %Get Icon
47 | A=fscanf(fid,'%s %s',2);
48 | if ~strncmp(A,'##Icon:',6), break; end
49 |
50 | %Get Info
51 | A=fscanf(fid,'%s %s %s %s',4);
52 | if ~strncmp(A,'#Points',7), break; end
53 |
54 | %Get number of nods and density
55 | A=fscanf(fid,'%f %f',[1 2]);
56 | Struct(count).nods=A(1);
57 | Struct(count).density=A(2);
58 |
59 | %Get Info
60 | A=fscanf(fid,'%s %s %s %s',5);
61 | if ~strncmp(A,'#XposYpos',9), break; end
62 |
63 | %Get Coordinates
64 | A=fscanf(fid,'%f %f',[2 Struct(count).nods]);
65 | Struct(count).x=A(1,:)';
66 | Struct(count).y=A(2,:)';
67 |
68 | if(Struct(count).nods~=length(Struct(count).x))error(['Profile ' num2str(count) ' reports incorrect length']); end;
69 |
70 | %Check if closed
71 | if (Struct(count).nods > 1) && ...
72 | (Struct(count).x(end) == Struct(count).x(1)) && ...
73 | (Struct(count).y(end) == Struct(count).y(1))
74 | Struct(count).closed=true;
75 | else
76 | Struct(count).closed=false;
77 | end
78 | end
79 |
80 | %close file
81 | fclose(fid);