Line | |
1 | function dvar=expandvariables(md,variables)
2 |
3 | fnames=fieldnames(variables);
4 |
5 | for i=1:length(fnames)
6 |
7 | % for linear constraints, just copy
8 |
9 | if isa(variables.(fnames{i}),'linear_inequality_constraint') || ...
10 | isa(variables.(fnames{i}),'linear_equality_constraint' )
11 | dvar.(fnames{i})=variables.(fnames{i});
12 |
13 | % for variables, call the setup function
14 |
15 | else
16 | fhandle=str2func([class(variables.(fnames{i})) '.empty']);
17 | dvar.(fnames{i})=fhandle();
18 | for j=1:length(variables.(fnames{i}))
19 | %call setupdesign
20 | dvar.(fnames{i})=QmuSetupVariables(md,dvar.(fnames{i}),variables.(fnames{i})(j));
21 | end
22 | end
23 | end
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