1 | function plot_qmumean(md,options,nlines,ncols,i);
2 | %PLOT_QMUMEAN - plot mean of a scaled response
3 | %
4 | % Usage:
5 | % plot_qmumean(md,options,nlines,ncols,i);
6 | %
7 | % See also: PLOTMODEL
8 |
9 | %plot mesh
10 | subplot(nlines,ncols,i);
11 |
12 | %edgecolor
13 | edgecolor=getfieldvalue(options,'edgecolor','none');
14 |
15 | %process data and model
16 | [x y z elements is2d isplanet]=processmesh(md,[],options);
17 |
18 | %find response function
19 | if exist(options,'qmudata'),
20 | descriptor=getfieldvalue(options,'qmudata');
21 | if ~ischar(descriptor),
22 | error('plot_qmumean error message: descriptor should be a string');
23 | end
24 | else
25 | error('plot_qmumean error message: provide descriptor of response function in ''qmudata'' option');
26 | end
27 |
28 | %go pick up the response:
29 | allresponses=md.qmu.results.dresp_out;
30 | responses=zeros(md.qmu.numberofpartitions,1);
31 |
32 | count=1;
33 | for i=1:length(allresponses),
34 | d=allresponses(i).descriptor;
35 | if strncmpi(d,'scaled_',7),
36 | d=d(8:end);
37 | if strncmpi(d,descriptor,length(descriptor)),
38 | responses(count)=allresponses(i).mean;
39 | count=count+1;
40 | end
41 | end
42 | end
43 |
44 | %log?
45 | if exist(options,'log'),
46 | responses=log(responses)/log(getfieldvalue(options,'log'));
47 | end
48 |
49 | %now, project onto vertices
50 | responses_on_node=responses(md.qmu.partition+1);
51 |
52 | %plot
53 | A=elements(:,1); B=elements(:,2); C=elements(:,3);
54 | patch( 'Faces', [A B C], 'Vertices', [x y z],'FaceVertexCData', responses_on_node,'FaceColor','interp','EdgeColor',edgecolor);
55 |
56 | %apply options
57 | options=addfielddefault(options,'title',['Mean distribution of ' descriptor]);
58 | options=addfielddefault(options,'colorbar',0);
59 | applyoptions(md,[],options);