1 | #module imports
2 | import numpy
3 | from fielddisplay import fielddisplay
4 | from EnumDefinitions import *
5 | from checkfield import *
6 | from WriteData import *
7 | from MatlabFuncs import *
8 |
9 | class qmu(object):
10 | """
11 | QMU class definition
12 |
13 | Usage:
14 | qmu=qmu();
15 | """
16 |
17 | #properties
18 | def __init__(self):
19 | # {{{ Properties
20 | self.isdakota = 0
21 | self.variables = {}
22 | self.responses = {}
23 | self.method = {}
24 | self.params = {}
25 | self.results = {}
26 | self.partition = float('NaN')
27 | self.numberofpartitions = 0
28 | self.numberofresponses = 0
29 | self.variabledescriptors = []
30 | self.responsedescriptors = []
31 | self.mass_flux_profile_directory = float('NaN')
32 | self.mass_flux_profiles = float('NaN')
33 | self.mass_flux_segments = []
34 | self.adjacency = float('NaN')
35 | self.vertex_weight = float('NaN')
36 |
37 | #set defaults
38 | self.setdefaultparameters()
39 |
40 | #}}}
41 |
42 | def setdefaultparameters(self):
43 | # {{{setdefaultparameters
44 | return self
45 | #}}}
46 |
47 | def checkconsistency(self,md,solution,analyses): # {{{
48 |
49 | #Early return
50 | if not md.qmu.isdakota:
51 | return
52 |
53 | if not md.qmu.params.evaluation_concurrency==1:
54 | md.checkmessage("concurrency should be set to 1 when running dakota in library mode")
55 | if md.qmu.partition:
56 | if not numpy.size(md.qmu.partition)==md.mesh.numberofvertices:
57 | md.checkmessage("user supplied partition for qmu analysis should have size md.mesh.numberofvertices x 1")
58 | if not min(md.qmu.partition)==0:
59 | md.checkmessage("partition vector not indexed from 0 on")
60 | if max(md.qmu.partition)>=md.qmu.numberofpartitions:
61 | md.checkmessage("for qmu analysis, partitioning vector cannot go over npart, number of partition areas")
62 |
63 | if not strcmpi(md.cluster.name,'none'):
64 | if not md.settings.waitonlock:
65 | md.checkmessage("waitonlock should be activated when running qmu in parallel mode!")
66 |
67 | return md
68 | # }}}
69 |
70 | def __repr__(self): # {{{
71 | s =' qmu parameters:\n'
72 |
73 | s+="%s\n" % fielddisplay(self,'isdakota','is qmu analysis activated?')
74 | for i,variable in enumerate(self.variables):
75 | s+=" variables%s: (arrays of each variable class)\n" % \
76 | string_dim(self.variables,i)
77 | fnames=vars(variable)
78 | maxlen=0
79 | for fname in fnames:
80 | maxlen=max(maxlen,len(fname))
81 |
82 | for fname in fnames:
83 | s+="' %-*s: [%ix%i] '%s'\n" % \
84 | (maxlen+1,fname,size(getattr(variable,fname)),type(getattr(variable,fname)))
85 |
86 | for i,response in enumerate(self.responses):
87 | s+=" responses%s: (arrays of each response class)\n" % \
88 | string_dim(self.responses,i)
89 | fnames=vars(response)
90 | maxlen=0
91 | for fname in fnames:
92 | maxlen=max(maxlen,len(fname))
93 |
94 | for fname in fnames:
95 | s+=" %-*s: [%ix%i] '%s'\n" % \
96 | (maxlen+1,fname,size(getattr(response,fname)),type(getattr(response,fname)))
97 |
98 | s+="%s\n" % fielddisplay(self,'numberofresponses','number of responses')
99 |
100 | for i,method in enumerate(self.method):
101 | if isinstance(method,'dakota_method'):
102 | s+=" method%s : '%s'\n" % \
103 | (string_dim(method,i),method.method)
104 |
105 | for i,param in enumerate(self.params):
106 | s+=" params%s: (array of method-independent parameters)\n" % \
107 | string_dim(self.params,i)
108 | fnames=vars(param)
109 | maxlen=0
110 | for fname in fnames:
111 | maxlen=max(maxlen,len(fname))
112 |
113 | for fname in fnames:
114 | s+=" %-*s: %s\n" % \
115 | (maxlen+1,fname,any2str(getattr(param,fname)))
116 |
117 | for i,result in enumerate(self.results):
118 | s+=" results%s: (information from dakota files)\n" % \
119 | string_dim(self.results,i)
120 | fnames=vars(result)
121 | maxlen=0
122 | for fname in fnames:
123 | maxlen=max(maxlen,len(fname))
124 |
125 | for fname in fnames:
126 | s+=" %-*s: [%ix%i] '%s'\n" % \
127 | (maxlen+1,fname,size(getattr(result,fname)),type(getattr(result,fname)))
128 |
129 | s+="%s\n" % fielddisplay(self,'partition','user provided mesh partitioning, defaults to metis if not specified')
130 | s+="%s\n" % fielddisplay(self,'numberofpartitions','number of partitions for semi-discrete qmu')
131 | s+="%s\n" % fielddisplay(self,'variabledescriptors','')
132 | s+="%s\n" % fielddisplay(self,'responsedescriptors','')
133 | s+="%s\n" % fielddisplay(self,'method','array of dakota_method class')
134 | s+="%s\n" % fielddisplay(self,'mass_flux_profile_directory','directory for mass flux profiles')
135 | s+="%s\n" % fielddisplay(self,'mass_flux_profiles','list of mass_flux profiles')
136 | s+="%s\n" % fielddisplay(self,'mass_flux_segments','')
137 | s+="%s\n" % fielddisplay(self,'adjacency','')
138 | s+="%s\n" % fielddisplay(self,'vertex_weight','weight applied to each mesh vertex')
139 |
140 | return s
141 | # }}}
142 |
143 | def marshall(self,fid): # {{{
144 | WriteData(fid,'object',self,'fieldname','isdakota','format','Boolean')
145 | if not self.isdakota:
146 | return
147 | WriteData(fid,'object',self,'fieldname','partition','format','DoubleMat','mattype',2)
148 | WriteData(fid,'object',self,'fieldname','numberofpartitions','format','Integer')
149 | WriteData(fid,'object',self,'fieldname','numberofresponses','format','Integer')
150 | WriteData(fid,'object',self,'fieldname','variabledescriptors','format','StringArray')
151 | WriteData(fid,'object',self,'fieldname','responsedescriptors','format','StringArray')
152 | WriteData(fid,'object',self,'fieldname','mass_flux_segments','format','MatArray')
153 | # }}}
154 |