1 | %PLOTOPTIONS class definition
2 | %
3 | % Usage:
4 | % plotoptions = plotoptions(varargin)
5 |
6 | classdef plotoptions
7 | properties (SetAccess=public)
8 | % {{{1
9 | numberofplots = 0;
10 | figurenumber = 1;
11 | list = cell(0,0);
12 | %}}}
13 | end
14 | methods
15 | function opt=plotoptions(varargin) % {{{1
16 | opt=buildlist(opt,varargin{:});
17 | end
18 | %}}}
19 | function disp(opt) % {{{1
20 | disp(sprintf('\n%s = \n',inputname(1)));
21 | disp(sprintf(' numberofplots: %i',opt.numberofplots));
22 | disp(sprintf(' figurenumber: %i',opt.figurenumber));
23 | if ~isempty(opt.list),
24 | disp(sprintf(' list: (%ix%i)',size(opt.list,1),size(opt.list,2)));
25 | for i=1:size(opt.list,1),
26 | unit=opt.list{i};
27 | disp(sprintf('\n options of plot number %i',i));
28 | for j=1:size(unit.list,1)
29 | if ischar(unit.list{j,2}),
30 | disp(sprintf(' field: %-10s value: ''%s''',unit.list{j,1},unit.list{j,2}));
31 | elseif isnumeric(unit.list{j,2}) & length(unit.list{j,2})==1,
32 | disp(sprintf(' field: %-10s value: %g',unit.list{j,1},unit.list{j,2}));
33 | else
34 | disp(sprintf(' field: %-10s value: (%ix%i)',unit.list{j,1},size(unit.list{j,2},1),size(unit.list{j,2},2)));
35 | end
36 | end
37 | end
38 | else
39 | disp(sprintf(' list: empty'));
40 | end
41 | end
42 | %}}}
43 | function opt=buildlist(opt,varargin) % {{{1
44 |
45 | %check length of input
46 | if mod((nargin-1),2),
47 | error('buildlist error message: an even number of plotoptions is required')
48 | end
49 |
50 | %go through varargin and build list (like pairoptions)
51 | rawoptions=pairoptions(varargin{:});
52 | numoptions = (nargin-1)/2;
53 | rawlist=cell(numoptions,2);
54 | for i=1:numoptions,
55 | if ischar(varargin{2*i-1}),
56 | rawlist{i,1}=varargin{2*i-1};
57 | rawlist{i,2}=varargin{2*i};
58 | else
59 | %option is not a string, ignore it
60 | disp(['WARNING: option number ' num2str(i) ' is not a string, it will be ignored']);
61 | rawlist(i,:)=[];
62 | continue
63 | end
64 | end
65 |
66 | %get figure number
67 | opt.figurenumber=getfieldvalue(rawoptions,'figure',1);
68 |
69 | %get number of data to be plotted
70 | numberofplots=fieldoccurences(rawoptions,'data');
71 | opt.numberofplots=numberofplots;
72 |
73 | %figure out wether alloptions flog is on
74 | if strcmpi(getfieldvalue(rawoptions,'alloptions','off'),'on'),
75 | allflag=1;
76 | else
77 | allflag=0;
78 | end
79 |
80 | %initialize opt.list
81 | opt.list=cell(numberofplots,1);
82 | for i=1:numberofplots,
83 | opt.list{i}=pairoptions;
84 | end
85 |
86 | %process plot options
87 | for i=1:size(rawlist,1),
88 |
89 | %If alloptions flag has is on, apply to all plots
90 | if (allflag & ~strcmpi(rawlist{i,1},'data') & ~ismember('#',rawlist{i,1})),
91 | for j=1:numberofplots,
92 | opt.list{j}=addfield(opt.list{j},rawlist{i,1},rawlist{i,2});
93 | end
94 |
95 | %option contains '#'
96 | elseif ismember('#',rawlist{i,1}),
97 |
98 | %get suplot(s) associated
99 | string=strsplit(rawlist{i,1},'#');
100 | plotnums=string{end};
101 | field=string{1};
102 |
103 | %divide plotnums if there is a comma ','
104 | plotnums=strsplit_strict(plotnums,',');
105 |
106 | %loop over plotnums
107 | for k=1:length(plotnums);
108 | plotnum=plotnums{k};
109 |
110 | %Empty
111 | if isempty(plotnum),
112 | continue;
113 |
114 | %#all
115 | elseif strcmpi(plotnum,'all');
116 | for j=1:numberofplots,
117 | opt.list{j}=addfield(opt.list{j},field,rawlist{i,2});
118 | end
119 |
120 | %#i-j
121 | elseif ismember('-',plotnum)
122 | nums=strsplit(plotnum,'-');
123 | if length(nums)~=2, continue; end
124 | if ~isnumeric(nums)
125 | error(['the option #i-j is not set properly for ' field]);
126 | end
127 | for j=nums(1):nums(2),
128 | opt.list{j}=addfield(opt.list{j},field,rawlist{i,2});
129 | end
130 |
131 | %#i
132 | else
133 | %assign to subplot
134 | if str2num(plotnum)>numberofplots,
135 | error(['opt error message: ' field ' cannot be assigned (' plotnum ' exceed maximum number of plot)']);
136 | end
137 | opt.list{str2num(plotnum)}=addfield(opt.list{str2num(plotnum)},field,rawlist{i,2});
138 | end
139 | end
140 |
141 | %assign option field to corresponding subplot
142 | else
143 |
144 | %go through all subplot and assign to the first one free
145 | j=1;
146 | while (j<=numberofplots),
147 | if ~exist(opt.list{j},rawlist{i,1});
148 | opt.list{j}=addfield(opt.list{j},rawlist{i,1},rawlist{i,2});
149 | break
150 | else
151 | j=j+1;
152 | end
153 | end
154 | if j>numberofplots,
155 | disp(['plot info message: too many ''' rawlist{i,1} ''' options']);
156 | end
157 | end
158 | end
159 |
160 | %check that there is no duplicates
161 | for i=1:numberofplots,
162 | opt.list{i}=deleteduplicates(opt.list{i},1);
163 | end
164 | end
165 | %}}}
166 | end
167 | end