[12377] | 1 | /*!\file: kriging.cpp
| 2 | * \brief: kriging main parallel program
| 3 | */
| 4 |
| 5 | #include "../issm.h"
| 6 | #include "../include/globals.h"
| 7 |
| 8 | /*Local prototypes*/
| 9 | void ProcessArguments2(char** pbinfilename,char** poutbinfilename,char** plockfilename,int argc,char **argv);
[12477] | 10 | void ProcessInputfile(IssmDouble **px,IssmDouble **py,IssmDouble **pdata,int *pnobs,IssmDouble **px_interp,IssmDouble **py_interp,int *pninterp,Options **poptions,FILE* fid);
[12377] | 11 |
| 12 | int main(int argc,char **argv){
| 13 |
| 14 | /*I/O: */
| 15 | FILE *output_fid = NULL;
| 16 | FILE *input_fid = NULL;
| 17 | bool waitonlock = false;
| 18 |
| 19 | /*File names*/
| 20 | char *lockfilename = NULL;
| 21 | char *binfilename = NULL;
| 22 | char *outbinfilename = NULL;
| 23 |
| 24 | /*Input*/
| 25 | int ninterp,nobs;
[12477] | 26 | IssmDouble *x = NULL;
| 27 | IssmDouble *y = NULL;
| 28 | IssmDouble *data = NULL;
| 29 | IssmDouble *x_interp = NULL;
| 30 | IssmDouble *y_interp = NULL;
[12377] | 31 | Options *options = NULL;
| 32 |
| 33 | /*Output*/
[12477] | 34 | IssmDouble *predictions = NULL;
| 35 | IssmDouble *error = NULL;
[12377] | 36 |
| 37 | ISSMBOOT();
| 38 |
| 39 | /*Initialize environments: Petsc, MPI, etc...: */
| 40 | #ifdef _HAVE_PETSC_
| 41 | int ierr=PetscInitialize(&argc,&argv,(char*)0,"");
[13101] | 42 | if(ierr) _error_("Could not initialize Petsc");
[12377] | 43 | #else
| 44 | #ifdef _HAVE_MPI_
| 45 | MPI_Init(&argc,&argv);
| 46 | #endif
| 47 | #endif
| 48 |
| 49 | /*Size and rank: */
| 50 | #ifdef _HAVE_MPI_
| 51 | MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&my_rank);
| 52 | MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&num_procs);
| 53 | #endif
| 54 |
| 55 | /*First process inputs*/
[12519] | 56 | _pprintLine_("");
| 57 | _pprintLine_("Ice Sheet System Model (" << PACKAGE_NAME << ") version " << PACKAGE_VERSION);
| 58 | _pprintLine_("(website: " << PACKAGE_URL << " contact: " << PACKAGE_BUGREPORT << ")");
| 59 | _pprintLine_("");
[12377] | 60 | ProcessArguments2(&binfilename,&outbinfilename,&lockfilename,argc,argv);
| 61 |
| 62 | /*Process input files*/
| 63 | input_fid=pfopen(binfilename,"rb");
| 64 | ProcessInputfile(&x,&y,&data,&nobs,&x_interp,&y_interp,&ninterp,&options,input_fid);
| 65 | pfclose(input_fid,binfilename);
| 66 |
[12519] | 67 | _pprintLine_("call computational core:");
[12377] | 68 | pKrigingx(&predictions,&error,x,y,data,nobs,x_interp,y_interp,ninterp,options);
| 69 |
[12519] | 70 | _pprintLine_("write results to disk:");
[12377] | 71 | Results *results = new Results();
[12381] | 72 | if(my_rank==0){
| 73 | output_fid=pfopen(outbinfilename,"wb");
| 74 | results->AddObject(new DoubleVecExternalResult(results->Size()+1,0,predictions,ninterp,1,0));
| 75 | results->AddObject(new DoubleVecExternalResult(results->Size()+1,1,error,ninterp,1,0));
| 76 | for(int i=0;i<results->Size();i++){
| 77 | ExternalResult* result=(ExternalResult*)results->GetObjectByOffset(i);
| 78 | result->WriteData(output_fid,1);
| 79 | }
| 80 | pfclose(output_fid,outbinfilename);
[12377] | 81 | }
| 82 |
| 83 | /*Close output and petsc options file and write lock file if requested*/
[12519] | 84 | _pprintLine_("write lock file:");
[12377] | 85 | WriteLockFile(lockfilename);
| 86 |
| 87 | /*Free ressources */
[12439] | 88 | xDelete<char>(lockfilename);
| 89 | xDelete<char>(binfilename);
| 90 | xDelete<char>(outbinfilename);
[12477] | 91 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(x);
| 92 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(y);
| 93 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(data);
| 94 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(x_interp);
| 95 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(y_interp);
| 96 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(predictions);
| 97 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(error);
[12377] | 98 | delete options;
| 99 | delete results;
| 100 |
| 101 | #ifdef _HAVE_PETSC_
[12519] | 102 | _pprintLine_("closing MPI and Petsc");
[12377] | 103 | PetscFinalize();
| 104 | #else
| 105 | #ifdef _HAVE_MPI_
[12519] | 106 | _pprintLine_("closing MPI and Petsc");
[12377] | 107 | MPI_Finalize();
| 108 | #endif
| 109 | #endif
| 110 |
| 111 | /*end module: */
| 112 | ISSMEND();
| 113 |
| 114 | return 0; //unix success return;
| 115 | }
| 116 |
| 117 | void ProcessArguments2(char** pbinfilename,char** poutbinfilename,char** plockfilename,int argc,char **argv){
| 118 |
| 119 | char *modelname = NULL;
| 120 | char *binfilename = NULL;
| 121 | char *outbinfilename = NULL;
| 122 | char *lockfilename = NULL;
| 123 |
[13101] | 124 | if(argc<2)_error_("Usage error: missing model name");
[12377] | 125 | modelname=argv[2];
[12439] | 126 | binfilename = xNew<char>((strlen(modelname)+strlen(".bin") +1)); sprintf(binfilename, "%s%s",modelname,".bin");
| 127 | outbinfilename = xNew<char>((strlen(modelname)+strlen(".outbin")+1)); sprintf(outbinfilename,"%s%s",modelname,".outbin");
| 128 | lockfilename = xNew<char>((strlen(modelname)+strlen(".lock") +1)); sprintf(lockfilename, "%s%s",modelname,".lock");
[12377] | 129 |
| 130 | /*Clean up and assign output pointer*/
| 131 | *pbinfilename=binfilename;
| 132 | *poutbinfilename=outbinfilename;
| 133 | *plockfilename=lockfilename;
| 134 | }
| 135 |
[12477] | 136 | void ProcessInputfile(IssmDouble **px,IssmDouble **py,IssmDouble **pdata,int *pnobs,IssmDouble **px_interp,IssmDouble **py_interp,int *pninterp,Options **poptions,FILE* fid){
[12377] | 137 |
[12382] | 138 | int ninterp,nobs,numoptions;
[12477] | 139 | IssmDouble *x = NULL;
| 140 | IssmDouble *y = NULL;
| 141 | IssmDouble *data = NULL;
| 142 | IssmDouble *x_interp = NULL;
| 143 | IssmDouble *y_interp = NULL;
[12377] | 144 | Options *options = NULL;
[12382] | 145 | Option *option = NULL;
[12377] | 146 |
| 147 | int dummy,M,N;
| 148 | IoModel* iomodel = new IoModel();
| 149 | iomodel->fid=fid;
| 150 | iomodel->CheckEnumSync();
[12382] | 151 | iomodel->FetchData(&x,&M,&N,0); nobs=M*N;
| 152 | iomodel->FetchData(&y,&M,&N,1); _assert_(M*N==nobs);
| 153 | iomodel->FetchData(&data,&M,&N,2); _assert_(M*N==nobs);
| 154 | iomodel->FetchData(&x_interp,&M,&N,3); ninterp=M*N;
| 155 | iomodel->FetchData(&y_interp,&M,&N,4); _assert_(M*N==ninterp);
[12377] | 156 |
| 157 | /*Read options*/
| 158 | options = new Options();
[12382] | 159 | iomodel->LastIndex(&N);
| 160 | numoptions=(int)((N-4)/2);
| 161 | for(int i=0;i<numoptions;i++){
| 162 | iomodel->FetchData(&option,5+2*i);
| 163 | options->AddOption(option);
| 164 | option=NULL;
| 165 | }
[12377] | 166 |
| 167 | /*Assign output pointer*/
| 168 | *px = x;
| 169 | *py = y;
| 170 | *pdata = data;
| 171 | *pnobs = nobs;
| 172 | *px_interp = x_interp;
| 173 | *py_interp = y_interp;
| 174 | *pninterp = ninterp;
| 175 | *poptions = options;
| 176 | delete iomodel;
| 177 | }