1 | /*\file FetchData.cpp:
2 | * \brief: general I/O interface to fetch data in python
3 | */
4 |
5 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
6 | #include <config.h>
7 | #else
8 | #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
9 | #endif
10 |
11 | #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol
12 | #define NO_IMPORT
13 |
14 | #include "../../toolkits/toolkits.h"
15 | #include "../../include/include.h"
16 | #include "../../shared/shared.h"
17 | #include "../../io/io.h"
18 |
19 | /*Primitive data types*/
20 | /*FUNCTION FetchData(double* pscalar,PyObject* py_float){{{*/
21 | void FetchData(double* pscalar,PyObject* py_float){
22 |
23 | double scalar;
24 |
25 | /*return internal value: */
26 | scalar=PyFloat_AsDouble(py_float);
27 |
28 | /*output: */
29 | *pscalar=scalar;
30 | }
31 | /*}}}*/
32 | /*FUNCTION FetchData(int* pinteger,PyObject* py_long){{{*/
33 | void FetchData(int* pinteger, PyObject* py_long){
34 |
35 | int integer;
36 |
37 | /*return internal value: */
38 | integer=(int)PyLong_AsLong(py_long);
39 |
40 | /*output: */
41 | *pinteger=integer;
42 | }
43 | /*}}}*/
44 | /*FUNCTION FetchData(bool* pboolean,PyObject* py_boolean){{{*/
45 | void FetchData(bool* pboolean,PyObject* py_boolean){
46 |
47 | bool boolean;
48 |
49 | /*check this is indeed a subtype of long type: */
50 | if(!PyBool_Check(py_boolean))_error_("expecting a boolean in input!");
51 |
52 | /*extract boolean: */
53 | boolean=(bool)PyLong_AsLong(py_boolean);
54 |
55 | /*simple copy: */
56 | *pboolean=boolean;
57 |
58 | }
59 | /*}}}*/
60 | /*FUNCTION FetchData(double** pmatrix,int* pM, int* pN, PyObject* py_matrix){{{*/
61 | void FetchData(double** pmatrix,int* pM,int *pN,PyObject* py_matrix){
62 |
63 | /*output: */
64 | double* matrix=NULL;
65 | int M,N;
66 | int ndim;
67 | npy_intp* dims=NULL;
68 |
69 | /*retrive dimensions: */
70 | ndim=PyArray_NDIM((const PyArrayObject*)py_matrix);
71 | if(ndim!=2)_error_("expecting an MxN matrix in input!");
72 | dims=PyArray_DIMS((PyArrayObject*)py_matrix);
73 | M=dims[0]; N=dims[1];
74 |
75 | /*retrieve internal value: */
76 | matrix=(double*)PyArray_DATA((PyArrayObject*)py_matrix);
77 |
78 | /*output: */
79 | if(pM)*pM=M;
80 | if(pN)*pN=N;
81 | if(pmatrix)*pmatrix=matrix;
82 | }
83 | /*}}}*/
84 | /*FUNCTION FetchData(int** pmatrix,int* pM, int* pN, PyObject* py_matrix){{{*/
85 | void FetchData(int** pmatrix,int* pM,int *pN,PyObject* py_matrix){
86 |
87 | /*output: */
88 | double* dmatrix=NULL;
89 | int* matrix=NULL;
90 | int M,N;
91 |
92 | /*intermediary:*/
93 | int i;
94 | int ndim;
95 | npy_intp* dims=NULL;
96 |
97 | /*retrive dimensions: */
98 | ndim=PyArray_NDIM((const PyArrayObject*)py_matrix);
99 | if(ndim!=2)_error_("expecting an MxN matrix in input!");
100 | dims=PyArray_DIMS((PyArrayObject*)py_matrix);
101 | M=dims[0]; N=dims[1];
102 |
103 | /*retrieve internal value: */
104 | dmatrix=(double*)PyArray_DATA((PyArrayObject*)py_matrix);
105 |
106 | /*transform into integer matrix: */
107 | matrix=xNew<int>(M*N);
108 | for(i=0;i<M*N;i++)matrix[i]=(int)dmatrix[i];
109 |
110 | /*output: */
111 | if(pM)*pM=M;
112 | if(pN)*pN=N;
113 | if(pmatrix)*pmatrix=matrix;
114 | }
115 | /*}}}*/
116 | /*FUNCTION FetchData(double** pvector,int* pM, PyObject* py_vector){{{*/
117 | void FetchData(double** pvector,int* pM,PyObject* py_vector){
118 |
119 | /*output: */
120 | double* vector=NULL;
121 | int M;
122 | int ndim;
123 | npy_intp* dims=NULL;
124 |
125 | /*retrive dimensions: */
126 | ndim=PyArray_NDIM((const PyArrayObject*)py_vector);
127 | if(ndim!=1)_error_("expecting an Mx1 vector in input!");
128 | dims=PyArray_DIMS((PyArrayObject*)py_vector);
129 | M=dims[0];
130 |
131 | /*retrieve internal value: */
132 | vector=(double*)PyArray_DATA((PyArrayObject*)py_vector);
133 |
134 | /*output: */
135 | if(pM)*pM=M;
136 | if(pvector)*pvector=vector;
137 | }
138 | /*}}}*/
139 | /*FUNCTION FetchData(Options** poptions,int istart, int nrhs,PyObject* arguments){{{*/
140 | void FetchData(Options** poptions,int istart, int nrhs,PyObject* arguments){
141 |
142 | /*Initialize output*/
143 | Options* options=new Options();
144 |
145 | _pprintLine_("FetchData for Options not implemented yet, ignoring them!");
146 |
147 | /*Assign output pointers:*/
148 | *poptions=options;
149 |
150 | }
151 | /*}}}*/
152 |
153 | /*Python version dependent: */
154 | #if _PYTHON_MAJOR_ >= 3
155 | /*FUNCTION FetchData(char** pstring,PyObject* py_unicode){{{*/
156 | void FetchData(char** pstring,PyObject* py_unicode){
157 |
158 | PyObject* py_bytes;
159 | char* string=NULL;
160 |
161 |
162 | /*convert to bytes format: */
163 | PyUnicode_FSConverter(py_unicode,&py_bytes);
164 |
165 | /*convert from bytes to string: */
166 | string=PyBytes_AS_STRING(py_bytes);
167 |
168 | *pstring=string;
169 | }
170 | /*}}}*/
171 | #else
172 | /*FUNCTION FetchData(char** pstring,PyObject* py_string){{{*/
173 | void FetchData(char** pstring,PyObject* py_string){
174 |
175 | char* string=NULL;
176 |
177 | /*extract internal string: */
178 | string=PyString_AsString(py_string);
179 |
180 | *pstring=string;
181 | }
182 | /*}}}*/
183 | #endif