Hi Domino.
Thanks Mathieu for the tip. The smb will adjust through time based on the lapse rate feedback, which it seems you were able to figure out and adjust. If I understand correctly, it seems once you set the movingfront = 1, your mass balance becomes positive instead of negative? One thought is now that your levelset is turned on, the ice covered grid cells that are very thin (or at your minimum thickness) melt out and become ice free (these thin ice areas before you set movingfront = 1) may have been negative SMB and could have been contributing to the overall negative mass balance.
You can also feel free to email me if its easier to take this offline - adding more and more feedbacks could get tricky to decompose, and there are other variables that can be looked at to get a sense. For one, you could try and output the MaskIceLevelset and see how that changes through your run.