Hello everyone,
I am currently using the SSA to model the extent of the Arctic ice sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM).
Based on some of the inquiries I found in the forum, I have set md.transient.ismovingfront to 1 and configured the spclevelset as follows:
md.levelset.spclevelset = [md.mask.ice_levelset md.mask.ice_levelset; 0 1];
for i=1:size(md.levelset.spclevelset,2)
levelset = md.levelset.spclevelset(1:end-1, i);
levelset = reinitializelevelset(md, levelset);
md.levelset.spclevelset(1:end-1, i) = levelset;
However, md.results.transient.MaskIceLevelset
does not change with snow accumulation; consequently, the ice sheet does not advance. Additionally, md.results.transient.MaskOceanLevelset
only advances to the areas defined by MaskIceLevelset
and does not advance further.
When I set the entire domain as ice, the calculations become unstable, and I am unable to achieve the desired results. Is there a way to automatically change the boundary as snow accumulates over time?
Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.