justinquinn Hi, I've made some progress but petsc is still not successfully installing.
I ran the sudo command to switch from xcode to command line tools and now when I run the petsc installation, mpich configure, make and install is successful. However after that, as part of building and installing zlib, I get a message:
TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.fblaslapack(config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1112)
UNABLE to CONFIGURE with GIVEN OPTIONS (see configure.log for details):
Cannot use fblaslapack without Fortran, make sure you do NOT have --with-fc=0
So it appears the error is now potentially something related to fortran however I also see other errors in the configure.log. I have attached the newest configure.log here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cLXRp5BiaD-VhvnLH6ov64WFQfn_9g-8/view?usp=sharing
If you have more suggestions, let me know. Thanks for the help!